IT Mergers & Acquisitions

The post-merger integration decides on

the success of mergers & acquisitions

IT-Mergers & Acquisitions

noventum consulting has been your competent partner in mergers & acquisitions for more than 20 years - from strategy to implementation.

Merging companies, spinning off parts of a company or even handing over individual core processes to a service provider - these complex processes require good planning and implementation expertise in the IT organization. Risks must be identified at an early stage so that ambitious schedules can be adhered to.

Best practices in the form of proven plans, checklists and process models make the demanding job that IT managers have to do in these phases easier. 

In a large number of large and complex projects, our consultants have merged or harmonized the culture of companies, IT organizations, applications, portfolios, infrastructures, projects and suppliers (IT sourcing) or separated out individual parts of the company.

Our experience and best practices make your IT merger plannable, project risk and project duration are reduced, project result and project quality are in a good cost-benefit ratio. Together we can successfully tackle the M&A challenges.

noventum Procedure Model Mergers & Acquisitions

Solution scenarios for IT mergers & acquisitions
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