The demanding last step

Cloud Migration & Transformation:
King Discipline Not Only for IT Experts

The trip is firmly planned. But what do I need to take with me? How do I have to prepare? What is the first step? And what follows after that? This is how you could outline the task facing managers of migration to the cloud. Now relocation experts are needed, just as they are used in IT sourcing and data center relocations. Migrating individual systems in the context of complex processes while not losing sight of ongoing operations is a challenging task. Empowering new teams in new roles for the concrete work and supporting them until the new routine runs smoothly is an important support for the future cloud daily routine.

From their more than 20 years of experience as consultants for IT sourcing, data center relocations as well as IT operations and experts for the transformation of complex IT systems, noventum consultants have developed a phased approach. The demanding last step is clearly presented in five planning steps:

  • Need for action
  • Transformation concept
  • Structure of the target objects
  • Transformation
  • Regular operation



Analysis of required adaptations for cloud
  • Detailed analysis per object
  • Dependencies & Interfaces
  • Security & Compliance
Elaboration on the basis of the objects concerned
  • Transformation concept per object
  • Transformation plan per object
of objects
  • Preparation of the process organization
  • Provisioning of the cloud infrastructure
Migration / Transformation
  • Object transformation
  • Cloud computing exam
  • Extended support
  • Monitoring
  • Training operating team
  • Handover operating team
  • Accompaniment operating team
  • Decommissioning of old system

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Managing Director

+352 27 69 81 00

noventum consulting
Luxemburg S.à r.l.

30, Esplanade de la Moselle
L-6637 Wasserbillig

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